Friday, March 14, 2008

Politics Democratic Style

I just love the crap that's been going on this week. First Geraldine Ferraro with her comments which were taken completely out of context in my opinion. I understand what she meant, but then I'm not 30 something or 20 something. Neither here nor there she's now resigned from her "volunteer" position on the finance committee, never to be heard from again.

Now we have on the scene Obama's problem minister, who is retired from the pulpit, but not before he delivered some fairly fiery and racist sermons. Now will Obama be spanked for that by the media? Betcha .10 cents he won't. He's the media darling. Besides he didn't say it now did he? His pastor did. Used the "N" word, said Hillary could never understand what it's like being black.....well you know what Obama could never understand what it's like to be a female, now could he? If you're too tough you're a bitch, if you're too soft you can't handle the job. If you smile too nicely then you're flirting and you're sleeping your way to the top, What's the name for that? OH YEA a WHORE.

I'm anxious to see how this one plays out if it plays out at all, which it probably won't unless it makes SNL which plays both sides of the democratic opera.

Discrimination - What a laugh that word is, no one understands until it happens to them. Remember some of us came before all the wonderful things that have been put into place to get rid of that nasty little word.

I remember when:

A woman could be asked if they were engaged and if so when were they getting married.
A woman could be asked why they weren't engaged
A woman could be asked when they were going to have children
A woman could be asked if their husband would understand if they had to work late or have a job that required some overtime.
A woman could be hit on by her boss, her co-workers, etc and had no where to go to complain.
A woman could be told that if she didn't sleep with her boss she'd lose her job and she did when she didn't
A woman could be beaten to a pulp by her boyfriend, her fiance or her husband and nothing could be done except for" You shouldn't make him so mad"
A woman was told in high school by her counselor, you could be a secretary, nurse or school teacher
And yes women were discriminated against when it came to getting jobs.
Part of a woman's job if she were a secretary which so many of us started out in that capacity was to wait on her boss, get coffee, pick up dry cleaning, pick up their lunch, god forbid pick up the kids, pick out the wife's presents, order the flowers, make the reservations.

Now tell me about discrimination?

I feel like I paid the price (see list above by the way it's not complete) so that my daughter didn't have to go through the intolerant behavior that I had to withstand and suffer through. Just like all the women that came before me and went through or suffered through much worse than I had to or the women that suffered along with me.

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